Four minutes of sound.
Infinite Possibilities of imagery.
The meaning each of us makes of our sensory experiences in the world gives rise to our emotions. The miraculous thing about this human quality is that no two people in the entire continuum of time can ever experience the same reality. This neural reality not only means our art experiences are as unique as our fingerprints, but it also means that as we accrue new experiences, WE experience art differently. Something we’ve seen or heard before can take on an entirely new perspective as our changed mindsets pick up on “new” attributes of “old” art. The art may stay the same, but our experience of it can change.
As you listen to each of my songs, I invite you to play along with me. Place yourself in a variety of roles and settings in the “song movies”. Listen to the same song multiple times from different perspectives. Try on different roles—the main character, a side character, a background role, a cameo. Can you cast a friend, relative, lover, or stranger in the show? Will you be in an urban setting? Abroad? In a remote and secluded place? In the present or antiquity? Try my songs on, and if they fit, you can have them! ~Lisa

Why the stage name “Girl Friday”?
Like the singer-songwriter Sam Beam who chose the stage name “Iron and Wine” after seeing a dietary supplement named “Beef, Iron & Wine” on a store shelf during a film shoot, “Girl Friday” also has an origin story!
After leaving music education to pursue songwriting and performing, my first consistent paying “gig” was playing for the lunch crowd at a sandwich shop called “Potbelly”. They hired a different person for every day of the week, and my day was (can you guess?) Friday. Additionally, I was the only female on the rotation.
Thus, when I’d walk in, with my guitar, (much like when Norm walked into Cheers), the staff behind the counter would shout “Girl Friday”! However, unlike Norm sidling up to the bar for a beer, I’d climb up to the loft and sing for two hours!
I LOVED the playfulness of the moniker and the literal and figurative meanings. I loved Rosalind Russell in the classic movie His Girl Friday. As a faithful servant and right-hand person for many, I could relate to Defoe’s Man Friday in Robinson Crusoe. And who doesn’t associate Friday with fun being on the way (TGIF!)
The name stuck, and the rest is history. 😊