Hi! I’m Dr. Lisa Serice,
I enjoy wearing many professional “hats”—literally and figuratively. I’m an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education, a Healthy Living Instructor for the Greater Houston YMCA, and a singer/songwriter/performer of Girl Friday Music.
I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, a Master of Liberal Arts from the Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and a Doctor of Education from the Johns Hopkins University School of Education, where I specialized in Mind, Brain, and Teaching (MBT).
The three “hats” represented on this website are:
- neuroeducation-related Research
- Girl Friday Music, and
- health and physical Fitness.
At first glance, neuroeducation research, music, and fitness might appear to inhabit completely different worlds of thought. However, all three hats are stitched together by the interplay of three human constructs that fascinate me the most: feeling, thinking, and behaving (i.e., human behavior).
Like couture design, each hat represents a bespoke exploration of the inextricable interconnection of the mind, brain, and body enacted in the physical world we’re dropped into. Delightfully, my life is enriched, and my work is strengthened by interdisciplinary discourse.
- As a researcher, I get to ask questions and seek answers about feeling, thinking, and behaving using the scientific method.
- As a musician, I get to reflect and sing about feeling, thinking, and behaving in musical vignettes.
- As a fitness/health and wellness educator, I get to innovate and employ the psychology and neuroscience of feeling, thinking, and behaving in teaching designs.
Each tab on this site offers more detail and content and hopefully inspires YOU to try on my favorite verbs in YOUR world: ask, seek, reflect, sing, innovate, and employ! Pour some tea (or the beverage of your choice! It is happy hour somewhere!) and visit with me for a while. 😊
Virtual hugs,